South Belgrave Oval
LED technology for community football clubs
South Belgrave Oval is one of the pioneering community football clubs to take up the LED Technology at its emergence by installing LED floodlighting on an AFL oval, one of 2,700 sporting ovals across Australia. This LED installation will be used throughout the entire oval which is home to AFL players ranging from four to ten in the Auskick group, juniors, seniors, all the way up to the veteran players who are 35 years old and above. The South Belgrave Cricket Club component of the oval caters for three senior, veteran and junior sides, and with the introduction of AFL Women’s competitions, there is a high demand on access to more sporting ovals. The quality and performance of Sylvania Briteline™ LED Raptor floodlights, allows South Belgrave and the overall community to reap the benefits of the additional access to this oval.
Using optical technology developed by Sylvania, the LED floodlights distribute light exactly where needed, providing better control, lower glare and less spill light. The Sylvania Briteline™ LED Raptor floodlight saves more than 40 percent of the energy used in traditional 2KW Metal Halide floodlights and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
“The new Sylvania Briteline™ LED Raptor floodlights will more than pay for themselves in a concise period with the reduced energy and maintenance costs,” says Ian Bakens, Development Coordinator, Belgrave South Sporting Precinct. “What excites us most is that we can now provide our players, their supporters and everyone who enjoys the South Belgrave Oval a state-of-the-art playing field.”
The installation of Sylvania Briteline™ LED Raptor floodlights has met a total saving of 70 percent on power bills and even more significant savings in the repairs and maintenance component. This has reduced the demand for lamp replacements on traditional floodlights, which not only have financial commitments but also require the volunteers of the club to manage and facilitate the logistics to undertake the works.
Taking only one week to install fully, the Sylvania Briteline™ LED Raptor floodlights with 50 lux and 100 lux lighting level options, have enhanced player performance and spectator experience. With a precision aiming capability and minimised glare, players, officials, and spectators can comfortably follow the action to the designed level of play.
“The uniformity of the light around the whole oval surface, both at the 100 lux level and the reduced 50 lux level has been incredible,” continues Bakens. “The pure white colour of the LED light compared with the more yellow type of light you get from metal halide light technology has made for a much more enjoyable and efficient experience for players on the field.”
Operationally, the Sylvania Briteline™ LED Raptor floodlights have the capability to turn the LED lights on and off at will, whenever needed with no cooling down or warming up period. Research also suggests sports people perform better playing under whiter rather than yellow light.
The installation of the LED lighting increased desirability and raised the ovals profile in the sporting community. The South Belgrave Oval has become a leader among sports clubs, and the LED floodlights highlight their progression toward exceptionalism.
“South Belgrave have always been a pretty progressive club and this is another indication of what they’re trying to do there. They make their facility the best it can be,” said Phil Murton CEO of the Eastern Football League.

Operationally, the Sylvania Briteline™ LED Raptor floodlights have the capability to turn the LED lights on and off at will, whenever needed with no cooling down or warming up period. Research also suggests sports people perform better playing under whiter rather than yellow light.
The installation of the LED lighting increased desirability and raised the ovals profile in the sporting community. The South Belgrave Oval has become a leader among sports clubs, and the LED floodlights highlight their progression toward exceptionalism.
“South Belgrave have always been a pretty progressive club and this is another indication of what they’re trying to do there. They make their facility the best it can be,” said Phil Murton CEO of the Eastern Football League.